Woman Life Freedom
Une Révolution Iranienne
Femme Vie Libérté
Edited, compiled & designed by
Atelier Alambic
Published by
Beaux-Arts de Paris, Les Editions 2023
In Collaboration with
École des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris
Paris Musées
Palais de Tokyo
Palais de la Porte Dorée
Atelier Alambic
Atelier Alambic in collaboration with Edition des Beaux-Arts de Paris, has designed and edited the book “Femme Vie Liberté, Une Révolution Iranienne” featuring over 250 posters and documentary photographs. This rich illustrated book bears witness to the Iranian people’s fight for freedom and pays tribute to the dignity and fundamental rights of women and men. 84 graphic designers, artists, and photographers have supported the women’s fight for freedom in Iran with their posters, illustrations, graffiti, and cartoons.
You can also find a rich historical text by Odile Burluraux from Musée d’art Moderne de Paris alongside an interview by Hugo Vitrani from Palais de Tokyo, with Julien Sirjacq professor at Beaux-Arts de Paris, and Atelier Alambic about this movement and the project.