
Femme Vie Liberté

Une Révolution Iranienne
Femme Vie Libérté

Edited, compiled & designed by
Atelier Alambic
Published by
Beaux-Arts de Paris, Les Editions 2023
In Collaboration with
École des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris
Paris Musées
Palais de Tokyo
de la Porte Dorée
Atelier Alambic

On March 8th, 2023, more than 80 French cultural institutions dressed their facades and interior spaces with posters created for the demonstrations that were gathered from across social media. As an act to express their support for Iranian women and men in the face of repression and to promote the values of emancipation and freedom, this was deemed a way to let them know their message has been seen and heard internationally, and supported by official structures.

Atelier Alambic collaborated with the Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris, the Palais de Tokyo, Les Beaux-Arts de Paris, and the Palais de la Porte Dorée, to offer a space for dialogue and reflection on the challenges of the Iranian women’s revolution. In collaboration with the students of École des Beaux-Arts de Paris, 8000 copies of 60 posters were printed under the supervision of Julien Sirjaq and distributed for free. The print process took place in the same Atelier Populaire where in May 68, thousands of posters were printed.